Staff Mobility

Erasmus+ Job Shadowing for Teachers’ Mobility
Job Shadowing is a job training for teachers, consisting of an on-the-job learning period through observation. It is a short-term training experience open to teachers and educational staff under the Erasmus+ Programme.
With the Erasmus+ Job Shadowing programme, teachers and host companies would have a great opportunity to gain new insights for professional growth. It is a great opportunity to exchange experiences and best practices, gain new insights for professional growth, meet new people and also learn about different cultures.
Participants are hosted by a company or an organisation relevant to their professional profile at the hosting country for the whole duration of the mobility period, observing the daily work of the hosting organisation and training by doing, in order to improve or gain practical skills useful to their professional growth. Being involved in a Job Shadowing experience under Erasmus+ gives the participants the opportunity to:
improve competencies linked to their professional profiles.
increase their capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernisation and international opening within their educational organisations.
gain greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic, and cultural diversity.
increase their opportunities for professional and career development.
improve their foreign language competences.
increase motivation and satisfaction in their daily work.